How have you been fabulous people? I do hope life is being kind to you!
This weekend past was spent attempting to sew in 35 degree heat, followed by a huge storm that blew plenty of fresh air back into the house. I did actually get to finish a dress which I'll show you later.
A few months back I spent the afternoon with the fabulous Leesa from the Makers Society who kindly took some picture of me and my dresses to share on both our blogs.
I don't often have my photo taken in a non-party/ passport photo situation and in times where I control the countdown timer I'm more relaxed and slightly more natural in my photos. It was a little awkward having the photos taken by another person who I pretty much had just met in real life that day. Hanging out in a public park, with the sun blinding my eyes and receiving direction, but Lessa did an excellent job to suggest which way to look and hold my hand and what not, and we ended up with some lovely photos!
Seeing myself through someone else's eyes is really different and interesting at the same time. I feel like half the photos my mouth is wide open waiting to catch flies, but really, I was just smiling! haha funny how that happens.
It was a fabulous day anyway and a dog tried to eat one of the prop cupcakes which was pretty funny