Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's gonna be (Me Made) May!

Dear readers, it came to my attention just this morning that today is May 1st! 

Here I was sending my boyfriend "It's gonna be May" memes and having a giggle thinking it was April 30th, when low and behold my lovely sewing buddies around the world instagramming their Me Made outfits snapped me back into line with the rest of us using Australian Eastern time making me realise that it was infact May 1st, and therefore Me Made May! I often mix up what day it is because I read so many American Facebook posts and they are a day behind timewise leading me to believe it was still April in this instance 

Last year I participated wholeheartedly in the social media event that involves committing to wearing x number of me made items for x amount of days per week throughout May

Lucky I am wearing a me made top today so I am still part of the game! 

Last year I wore me made for 5 out of the 7 days of the week - but I largely kept to workdays wearing mostly dresses, skirts and shirts that I had made. 

This year I'll do the same but will throw in weekends as well, which will allow me to have off days during the week if I need to. I'm pretty fickle about what I wear and last year I found some mornings especially difficult to get dressed for because I had restricted myself to me made only and on difficult days I tended to just want to put on something store bought.

And even now despite having more then enough clothes I tend to only want to wear what I'm in the mood for so that means turning to comfy favourites that I've bought so I can't really exclude them from the mix. 

In addition over the last few months my work attire had changed greatly. My new team are very relaxed clothing wise so I tend to wear more jeans, ankle boots and shirts then dresses so there will be more casual looks this time, but don't worry the 60s references will be hiding in there somewhere. The weather is also turning here for Autumn so I'll be able to pull out my warmer long sleeved dresses that have been hiding away since spring. 

I'll of course post daily photos to instagram and weekly summaries here on le blog.

Are you taking part?? Its gonna be a fun Me Made May! 

Cat xo


  1. Hi, dear Catherine! I remember last year's Me Made May event. Nobody does it better than you. Judging from the super smart outfits in this post all of your friends around the world are in for a treat as you roll out your Me Mades in the coming month. I can't wait to see them and I'm sure all the gals share my enthusiasm.

    I hope you are having a swell Friday, dear friend Cat, and I hope to connect with you again soon!

  2. Yay! I am a day behind in Canada but I can't wait to start tomorrow! Can't wait to see all your lovely makes!

    1. haha see thats what tricked me! My mind was on US/Canada time somehow!!

  3. Damn, I forgot that MMM started today! I forgot to take a pic.

  4. I thought about signing up but promptly forgot all about it. i think the last time I took part was 5 years ago. I shall live vicariously through you and your amazing dressmaking skills instead! xxx

  5. I was sending those 'it's gonna be May' memes to my sister yesterday! They do make me laugh. The whole me-made-may thing has crept up on me a bit too, I haven't made an official pledge but I will be instagramming my outfits like I did last year. I look forward to seeing yours!

  6. I haven't made enough clothing to participate but I'm looking forward to seeing your outfits! All the pieces here are fab. xxx

  7. i think instagramming is the way to go--it's much easier, especially as i find photography the hard part rather than the wearing of me-mades (especially during the first couple weeks when i have lots of options!)


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